Saturday, January 24, 2009

Praising God Almighty, Praising God, indeed!

Ever heard of a 49 hour prayer event? We did! God not only blessed the Lighthouse with a 48 hour prayer event filled with life changing testimonies and miracles, but just for good measure, He sent one more saint to join us for prayer right near the end of the event!

Healing occured, parents were called, people walked out feeling the unquestionable presence and embrace of our Father in heaven. Man . . . you had to be there, and you can. The next event is already being lifted up in prayer. As soon as we see God's confirmation, you'll know the time, dates and locations. Locations? Yep, that right . . . locations? You see, God also blessed us with another prayer room - now there's two! One at the Lighthouse in downtown Miami and the other on the campus of the University of Miami in Coral Gables. All thanks and praise be to God and to His amazing servant, Desiree' Kameka.

Ask God to wake the sleeper inside! Ask with faith, joy and thanksgiving!

Join the army on it's knees as we pray for God's love, forgiveness, salvation, healing, provision, creation, protection, power, grace and mercy.

Pray without ceasing with faith and thanksgiving.

Be a Watcher.

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