Monday, August 17, 2009


Incomprehensibility - the precursory state of mind necessary for the leap of faith.

I've been thinking about God as incomprehensible. I'm almost sold on the idea that seeking to "understand" God is actually an impediment to trusting Him. Unlike human relationships where the need to comprehend & communicate with one another is paramount to fostering positive, edifying and sound interactions, it is the absence of comprehension that avails us to greater dependency on Him. This dependency - rooted in trust, not evidence of any kind, promotes intimacy. This is the "knowing" that God desires for us to have of & for Him. It is love, not comprehension. It is a knowledge rooted in the heart, not the mind.

I don't recall where I read the following, but there's this notion that human relationships work upon a natural sort of faith that is independently exercised by all regardless of any particular belief in God. So, for instance, if I see examples before me that demonstrate I can trust you - chances are I will. Seeing is believing. This is natural faith.

Following this train of thought then, if we try to make God comprehensible, then we seek to reduce God to a manageable "in-the-box deity" which we can then proceed to control & command. How so? It may be more about our human insecurities & innate inability to trust what we cannot see. It may be that in "understanding" how God works we can control God and then, through some measure of rationalization, we can convince ourselves of our power to convince or exert some degree of influence over Him.

On the other hand, there is supernatural trust. That is to say - trust that intentionally defies human nature and believes in God despite what is before us.
We believe even if we do not see. This is the faith Jesus equates with that of a child. Children do not usually understand the "how" and "why" that causes loving parents to do what they do as parents. Usually, unless they're exposed to the tragic and unsettling realities of broken homes, for instance, in most cases they believe their parents - without question. This, then, is the closest example to supernatural faith that we have on this side of the Jordan.

If we only seek to trust God's person & character - then we choose to surrender any "empirical" need to comprehend God and we begin to live in the knowledge of sovereignty over each of us and over the entire cosmos. This is a knowledge grounded in love, strengthened by faith and sustained by the Holy Spirit.

It is through the sustenance of prayer & God's word that we will be nourished and thereby moved to seek greater trust and love for God, rather than a need to know Him philosophically so that we can trust our knowledge instead.

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