Saturday, December 6, 2008

Who's in there now?

A common question asked as people come in to pray is, "Who's in there now?" Wanting to know who is currently in the prayer room seems to be just like us, isn't it? I mean, we need to know that we're not alone in this whole praying affair after all, right? It is a combination between good ol' human curiosity and a subtle anxiety. Let me focus on the latter . . .

I can only imagine what must've been going through Daniel's mind as he returned home and, ". . . urged [his friends] to plead for mercy from the God of heaven concerning [Nebuchadnezzar's dream], so that he and his friends might not be executed with the rest of the wise men of Babylon." (Daniel 2:18). For me, pleading is a gross understatement. Yet, Daniel was the quintessential example of the persistent and faithful prayer warrior. Three times a day, he knelt before his God and praised Him, interceded for others and asked for his own welfare as well. Knowing God would never fail him, he urged his friends to pray. The NRSV provides the following translation of Daniel 2:18, ". . . and [Daniel] told them to seek mercy from the God of heaven. . . " Wow! Go and pray, my friends, and seek the mercy from the God of heaven. Most of the world looking into what we're doing would consider this to be an exercise in futility wrapped inside of a pipe dream. This just happens to remind me of "matryoshka" or Russian nesting dolls. Anyhow, I feel certain most of us can relate to being in a situation (perhaps we're currently going through one) were the urgency to get others to pray for something to happen is very, very real.

Despite claims of the "usefulness" of prayer by medical journals, I hope what fuels our urgency to get on our knees is due to the unquestionable belief each one of us holds that to pray is to literally stand before Almighty God's presence. In doing so with humble hearts, we can ask for His intervention with reverent audacity as we are, through the blood of Jesus Christ, sons & daughters of the King of the Universe.

As a 24/7 Prayer USA information pamphlet reads, "God reveals Himself in Isaiah 62 as a God who never ceases to be silent. He is always active, and we want to partner with Him as a Church active and vocal in prayer, day and night." We partner with God. How can we wrap our minds around this idea? I mean honestly? Isn't this just amazing? We partner with the living God, with the King of the Universe, with the Alpha & the Omega.

In partnering with God, we acknowledge God's power and ability to alter, intervene, transform, control, manifest, resolve, restore, heal and resurrect, anything in this world and in the cosmos. We partner because of His grace, mercy and immeasurable love for us - not because we have anything really to offer.

The prophet knew this. Daniel knew that he and his friends we seeking the mercy of the One who held them in His hands and knew everything about them, Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar and the dream Daniel would ultimately decipher, through God's help. The Ancient of Days had (and has & will always have) everything under His loving & perfect control. Maybe that's why we're curious about "Who's in there?" Who's in there partnering with God - gaining wisdom, knowledge, revealing deep & hidden things, granting power and setting into motion changes in time & seasons . . .?

Who IS in there?

Are you?

1 comment:

doormiami said...

I'm in here. From the place of a very busy mother, from the quiet (not so quiet) of my home, Im in this.